Jesus’ birth stories are by far the most popular segments of his life. In our country, the whole of December is, in a way, a preparation for Christmas – an annual festival commemorating his birth. Despite the fact that Read more
Did the Medieval Church believe in the Flat Earth?
“Beware of false knowledge”, George Bernard Shaw wrote, “it is more dangerous than ignorance”. Every year I would walk into the classroom of one of my courses and write with capital letters on the board the following statement: “ Read more
Was Jesus Married to Mary Magdalene? A Closer Look at the Historical Evidence
Every now and then I get this question. I even think that this is one of the most common associations people have when they hear the name: Mary Magdalene. It is Read more
Knowledge and Counterknowledge: The peculiar case of Goran Šarić (How conspiracy theorists distort your knowledge about the history of Christianity)
Has anybody told you that after Jesus married Mary Magdalene, in a ceremony at the center of the great Temple in Jerusalem, they took off to the south of France in one of those FBI’s black cool helicopters where Read more
Constantine decided on Jesus’ divinity in the council of Nicaea in 325 AD. WRONG!
There is a widespread assumption that the first Christian Emperor Constantine decided on Jesus’ divinity. The famous example of this sort of thinking comes from the book “Da Vinci Code” where it is stated that Constantine call the Council Read more
Crkva u Engleskoj se odmah pobunila protiv Darwinove teorije evolucije
Teorija evolucije i danas predstavlja kamen spoticaja u životima brojnih vjernika. Posljedično, Charles Darwin je u pojedinim kršćanskim (protestantskim) denominacijama persona non grata kojeg se čak i poistovjećuje sa samim sotonom. Jedna od velikih miskoncepcija vezanih uz Darwina jest Read more
Rimski carevi su signalizirali smrt gladijatora palcem prema dolje. WRONG!
U popularnoj je kulturi uobičajeno vjerovanje da su rimski carevi signalizirali smrt gladijatora palcem okrenutim prema dolje. Međutim, radi se o Read more
Eppur si muove ili ipak ne? Galileo i Katolička Crkva
Jedna od najpoznatijih “činjenica” vezanih uz Galileo Galilea jesu njegove navodne riječi “Ipak se kreće” koje je tiho prozborio na kraju suđenja kako bi do kraja ostao vjeran svome uvjerenju u heliocentrizam. Iako se naravno naknadno pokazalo da je Read more